In 2002 while driving through East Missoula Jason felt God calling him to plant a church here. The timing didn't feel right at Jason and his wife Shannon were youth pastors as Christian Life Center. Upon resigning from this position in 2005 to start their own business but, not before taking one last trip with his students to the Dream Center in Los Angeles California. This trip changed his outlook on how ministry was suppose to be done. Fast forward to 2007 Jason found himself driving through East Missoula on his way to a photoshoot. Again, he felt the tug on his heart to plant a church and after a series of confirming events, Jason and Shannon found themselves assembling a team of about 18 people to plant a church in East Missoula.
The team began meeting in Jason and Shannon's home and eventually moved into an office space where they could plan for the future that would become RIVER OF LIFE Ministries. In February 2008 RIVER OF LIFE organized their first event, Family Fun Night, in East Missoula. Shortly after the team decided to launch weekly gatherings at Mount Jumbo School. On Saturday April 26th, 2008, 37 people gathered to listen to Jason preach about a church that did things differently. A church that loves and serves its community. A church that didn't just talk about God's love but showed it. Over the years RIVER OF LIFE has developed ministries to better answer that call. From Street Teams, now called Hands of Hope, River of Hope Food Bank, and Clothing Closet to brickyard boxing, Riverside Coffee Shop and Feed the Need as well as our annual Block Party and Toys for Joy events . RIVER OF LIFE has come a long way since that first Saturday night in 2008. ​
God continues to bless the church with an amazing team of people who share a common vision. He has given RIVER OF LIFE a clear direction and fresh vision. We look forward to many more years of showing God's love to our community.